Unlike other Simoun-themed advisors such as Inner Strength Aaeru or Romance Floe, who may lead you astray, Courage Mamiina WILL show you the way to greatness.
Nathan Turowsky was born well after Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and is likely to outlive her as well. He is a fearful, emotionally vulnerable, somewhat effeminate, hopelessly romantic, highly intelligent, very eccentric young man. He lists his role models in life as C.S. Lewis, Tanizaki Jun’ichirō, Lord Peter Wimsey, Ryōgi Shiki, the Fourth Doctor, and Vanessa from Madlax; thus, the general public would do well to avoid him. He was born in Massachusetts, grew up in Vermont, moved to New Jersey in late childhood, and now lives in a distorted warpspace with the Blessed Julian of Norwich, Ethiopian Emperor Haile Selassie I, Spike Spiegel, Dr Quatermass, an amnesiac super-soldier cloned from the Rabbi Hillel and/or Mary Tamm, and a boxing kangaroo named Jude the Obscure.
This statement is a lie.
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