Friday, April 30, 2010

At least it's not the infamous Afghanistan strategy chart

(Click to enlarge)

This sprawling chart I drew for my mother in an attempt to give her a brief lesson in the history and subgenera of fantasy, mainly literature but also venturing slightly into your more screen-based storytelling media. She thinks that I should make a project out of this, go into more detail, maybe address more sci-fi and horror, end up with something like Jack Black's (the character had a name, but all Jack Black characters are really Jack Black) chart of rock history in School of Rock.

I'd like to do this, but what do you guys think? Is anybody angry because I listed Vonnegut as a sort of urban fantasy? Should I have downplayed the link between Edgar Rice Burroughs and C.S. Lewis? Am I evil for focussing too much on the English language? Are my 'antecedents' completely off-base.

Come into my world I want to know what you people think!!!

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