Sunday, May 9, 2010

Okay, fine, here's a poem.

A Prose Poem Written from the Perspective of the Grapes Being Squeezed by Jesus in Juan Correa’s Allegory of the Sacrament

I am aware that my only
Purpose here is to serve quietly
Allegorically as servant
Humbly for the sacrament
In agony, in blood, in tears
For the mystery of Eucharist
And with this I’m at peace.

What I’m NOT at peace with is


And since my value
My dying and living
Is held in symbols
Of His own blood
It, I’d imagine
Is hurting Him too.

Without this value
Without this pain
I have nothing.

Without this value
Without this pain
You still have everything.

Do you understand? I think
There are things that you should not have done
And you do not guess again
At your own actions.

You are not the parable.

Neither are you truly any parable
Not as much as you are simply
A piece to be purchased
With a fistful of widows’ mites.

Are you squeezing me
For this thy allegory
Or am I being squeezed
For what you think I did?

I maintain and solemnly
Protest and plead
My ultimate innocence.

I am
Confident enough in myself
To at least admit discrepancies
But there are those that should
Not be so fatal to
Your underpinnings
Or those of the fat Indian
Or the camel-driver
Or any of the divers shamans.

Is this fair?

It is, at least—NOT UNFAIR.

The crosses at the Place of the Skull
Are ranged liked the stakes of Purgatory
Around in three-piece sets like the suit
Favoured by an old man, mothballed
Worn, and smelling of pre-war pomade.

His hands are wringing
The juice, which is to say
His own heart, and how
Must it feel? –and how
Must it feel? –it is not yet
So painful as to…


For the good of
Yesterdays past
And to-morrows
Yet to be woven
This is…
Here is…

OW, son of a…!
Son of God!
Ow. Ow.

Is this the
Pain of

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